ANSI Color Scheme

How do I colorize my zone?
For lack of a better place to stick this, here's how our ANSI works. Use colors freely (in good taste please) using the following guidelines:

Preface everything that you want colorized with the color code, and end it with the normalizing code that returns everything to standard color. Also use the normalizing code BEFORE switching from bold to standard colors, otherwise the bold will "bleed through".

+w white+W bold white
+b blue+B bold blue
+r red+R bold red
+c cyan+C bold cyan
+m magenta+M bold magenta
+y yellow+Y bold yellow
+g green+G bold green
+l NOT USED+L black
N normalizing code& initiate color prefix

Note that the default white color for TorilMUD is +w, and you can skip this color if you'd like, but some programs, like zmud for example will translate this into green unless you tell it not to by using +w.

  • &+Rthe juicy tomato&N
  • &+Lthe blackened war axe&N
  • &+Ythe &N&+rred hot&+Y fire&N