Walk Through - Check List

This is a list of things that your supervisor will be checking in your zone. Try to get them all working before hand!

1. Spelling & Grammar

2. Locks & Keys

can you get trapped inside somewhere?
can you picklock your way in/out?
does it work?
are passwords spelled correctly?
is it possible to figure out a password?

3. World

do all the exits connect properly?
are the doors setup properly to lock/close on pop
are the doors openable with correct keywords?

4. Quests

do they work?
are they too ambiguous?
do the items and mobs load?
do the items and mobs reload allowing infinite questing?

5. Pathing

does it work?
does mob casting mess it up?
do open/closed doors change room direction?

6. Socials

do timed socials get skipped because of casting?
are echoes too spammy?
did you remember the \n and &N to finish a line?

7. Zone

do timed loads load properly?
do items that are only supposed to load once, only load once?
do invasions work?
do rares have only 1 chance, or every boot to try to load?

8. Layout & Flow

are the fights consistantly, or explainably the right difficulty?
are there useless areas that won't be explored more then once?