Help with TE.exe - The Toril Text Editor

TE.exe runs in dos, although you can load it from windows by double clicking it, and needs all of the basic.* files in the same directory to work. It loads up using these basic files and the initial area you are looking is created from them.

The first thing you want to do is create your own zone.
create z 999
This will initialize your zone. Select option 1 (Vnumber) and then type in 999 for your zone range. This will change later when your zone is ready to go in testmud, but for now, using 999 will be easy to find & replace later. Enter a filename using option 3 and then save the zone. You should notice in your directory that all of the area files have been created, with the name you typed in as your filename.

create m 99901
All of your objects and mobs should be prefixed by 999. If you have more then 100 of either, choose another number that is easily replaceable and won't show up anywhere else. Unless you actually like doing manual modifications.

Option (10), hps, damage, money are not accessible for change using TE.exe This is fine because when you load the files onto test mud, they will be converted and calculated by the system based on race and level. If you want to manipulate them manually, you can do so, but you'll have to wait until after your zone is on the test mud, and get your areas supervisor to send you back the converted files for modification.

All of the options for editing your mob are listed in the areadocs.txt file, so I won't go into any detail about them here.

world m
Typing in world m, will list all of the mobs in your world sorted by their numbers, and also listing their short name.

stat m 99901
This will give you a short listing of mob 99901's attributes.

edit m 99901
Will bring up the same menu as create m 99901, but will only work if your mob has already been created.

create o 999XX, world o, stat o 99901, edit o 99901
Use the same commands except with O replacing M to create and view your objects instead of your mobs.

create r 999XX, world r, stat r 99901, edit r 99901
Use the same commands except with R replacing M to create and view your objects instead of your mobs.

Rooms Note
The grouping commands are easier to control by using a test editor on your zone file then using TE. Exits are only 1 way, if you have 2 rooms that you want connected west to east, you have to make a west exit out of the first, and an east exit back from the second.