Sector Type

SECT_INSIDE 0 Uses as if walking indoors
SECT_CITY 1 Uses as if walking in a city
SECT_FIELD 2 Uses as if walking in a field
SECT_FOREST 3 Uses as if walking in a forest
SECT_HILLS 4 Uses as if walking in hills
SECT_MOUNTAIN 5 Uses as if climbing in mountains
SECT_WATER_SWIM 6 Uses as if swimming
SECT_WATER_NOSWIM 7 Impossible to swim water - requires a boat
SECT_NO_GROUND 8 Must be flying/levitating
SECT_UNDERWATER 9 Need water breathing here
SECT_UNDERWATER_GR 10 Underwater, on the bottom, can bash
SECT_FIREPLANE 11 Used in the elemental plane of fire.
SECT_OCEAN 12 Use if in the ocean or vast seas only!
SECT_UNDRWLD_WILD 13 [underworld flags: intended to be used for
SECT_UNDRWLD_CITY 14 underground settings; drow, duergars, mind
SECT_UNDRWLD_INSIDE 15 flayers, etc]
SECT_AIR_PLANE 19 Used in Elemental Plane of Air
SECT_WATER_PLANE 20 Used in Elemental Plane of Water
SECT_EARTH_PLANE 21 Used in Elemental Plane of Earth
SECT_ETHEREAL 22 Used in Ethereal Plane
SECT_ASTRAL 23 Used in Astral Plane
SECT_ICE_PLANE 24 Used in Elemental Plane of Ice
SECT_UD_UNDERWATER 25 Underworld Underwater
SECT_UD_UNDERWATER_GR 26 Underworld Underwater with Ground
SECT_SMOKE_PLANE 30 Used in the Plane of Smoke
SECT_ICE_PLANE 33 Used in the Plane of Ice (need prot cold or take damage)
SECT_FREEZING_WATER 34 Need both prot cold AND waterbreathing
Sector type determines the number of movement points used up.