Room Flags

DARK 1 Light must be used to see anything.
DEATH 2 A player 'dies' when entering. Do NOT use!
NO_MOB 4 No monsters may walk around in here
NO_MOB keeps protector mobs out.
INDOORS 8 This is inside (a house,cave or dungeon for example)
SILENT 16 No speaking in this room.
UNDERWATER 32 Underwater room, need water breathing
NO_RECALL 64 Cannot recall from here
NO_MAGIC 128 No magical spells will work here.
TUNNEL 256 Narrow Tunnel
PRIVATE 512 Only two people allowed in here, not recommended.
ARENA 1024 Flag for arena rooms ONLY.
SAFE 2048 Currently NOT use
NO_PRECIP 4096 If it's outdoors, but there's some sort of covering.
SINGLE_FILE 8192 Where people cant go around each other in a room.
**Room MUST have 2 exits for single_file to work.
JAIL 16384 This is a jail cell, used only in hometowns!
NO_TELEPORT 32768 A random teleport spell will ignore these rooms.
PRIV_ZONE 65536 Redundant flag, does same as no_tele, nobody uses this
HEAL 131072 Regeneration of hits/mana is much faster here.
NO_HEAL 262144 Inhibits good healing/regeneration here.
HAS_TRAP 524288 Room has been trapped by a thief
DOCKABLE 1048576 Room is used by ocean going ships to load and unload.
MAGIC_DARK 2097152 Room has a magic darkness cast on it.
MAGIC_LIGHT 4194304 Room has a magic light spell cast on it.
NO_SUMMON 8388608 Cannot be summoned to or from or summon to or from.
BURNING 67108864 Room on fire, players take damage unless protected
AIRY_WATER 536870912 Underwater but you can breath
SOLID_FOG 1073741824 Thick ugly fog - prevents farsee
MAGIC_OK 2147483648 Magic OK to use if zone is !magic
INN Bit 45
Notes of Caution:
  1. Make sure that if you are doing a cave and make the room lit with light, put a description in the room saying there is a torch or something providing a light. This would make more sense in a dark tunnel or cave. Otherwise, make it DARK with the DARK FLAG.
  2. Make sure that if you DO NOT want certain mobs roaming around in other parts of your zone, that you use the NO_MOB flag. Put the NO_MOB flag where you would cut off the roaming mobs from attempting to leave. As you will see when you get your zone on testmud, mob flow can be quite tricky.
  3. Don't forget to use the INDOORS flag when it is appropriate, or you will be getting outside weather in small huts-- that is not realistic.